The best things in life are actually really expensive. Success is just failure that hasn’t happened yet. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it. Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally. I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you’re stupid and make bad decisions. Everyone has a purpose in life. Perhaps yours is watching television. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. I’ve developed a new philosophy. I only dread one day at a time.

Category: 15mm

  • 3D Modelling Roundup

    3D Modelling Roundup

    I enjoy modelling buildings and vehicles in Blender for use with 15mm wargames. My “current” project is a series of vehicles based on the British CVR(T) family. They’ll be pressed into service as last-minute production vehicles to serve alongside my PAU infantry in a far flung colonial war, but more on that later. Right now,…

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  • Terrain and Miniatures

    Terrain and Miniatures

    Over the weekend I applied a stippled paintjob and some half-assed weathering to my recently printed 15mm buildings. I need to add further details to make them appear more lived-in, but at least they’re now acceptable for the tabletop. The larger building off to the right is a Norman house from Patrick Miniatures. I still…

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  • Scattered Terrain Sunday

    Scattered Terrain Sunday

    I spent some this morning catching up on the prep for a few terrain elements: First up are these pre-fab dwellings that I designed in Blender. The design is modular, so they can easily be re-arranged or new elements introduced. One key point for me is that the interiors are fully playable as I want…

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  • Sci-fi Rice Paddies Get Wet

    Sci-fi Rice Paddies Get Wet

    While taking stock of my grass tufts this morning, it was evident that I only had enough to sparsely plant the paddies, and one unit would have to be done with mixed colours. Oh well, I suppose the mixed tufts could represent plants of varying age, or some that have already been harvested. I mixed…

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  • Sci-fi Rice Paddies

    Sci-fi Rice Paddies

    For years, I’ve seen the complaint online that hard sci-fi wargaming is just “Vietnam in space.” Pffft, whatever. I like “Vietnam in space.” Of course, the bog standard Terran rice paddy won’t do for my war torn colony world. Instead, I’ve designed and printed a sci-fi garden bed, or aquatic planter, or… Rice paddy :p…

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  • PAU Infantry Test

    PAU Infantry Test

    Having recently based a platoon of PAU Infantry from Ground Zero Games, I figured I should do something productive and carry out a couple paint tests to determine what the force will look like. I was initially thinking I’d do something akin to a (very) simplified DPM. The end result was the bloke on the…

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  • Painting my “Not-BMD”

    Painting my “Not-BMD”

    It was with bated breath that I approached my Mars 2 Pro as the first of my “not-BMD” print runs lifted from the resin vat. Unsure as to the orientation I should use to minimize warping, I had laid out three vehicles worth of parts at various angles (~30, 60 and 90 degrees to the…

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  • Making Tanks

    Making Tanks

    I’ve always had a thing for the Russian Airborne’s BMD and its derivatives. Only the Russians would pack so much firepower into such a tiny package and then toss the damn thing (while crewed!) out of an airplane. As I’d finally made a concerted effort to sit down and learn Blender 2.8 during lockdown earlier…

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